"None of us is as smart as all of us."
-Ken Blanchard
The Grounded Team is made up of three owners who are wholly committed to regenerating ecology and providing reliable and skillful care to animals. Between the team there is a collective 40 years of ranching and land management experience. We have managed herds of thousands of cattle, as well as buffalo, goats, pigs, broiler chickens and layer chickens all for large commercial operations. We have managed womb to tomb grass fed cattle operations, grass finishing programs, stocker operations, and CSA's with upwards of a 1000 members and direct marketed grass fed cattle. While we are always learning and growing we feel confident that we have the experience necessary to help you meet your goals, and we look forward to doing so.

Jeremiah Stent
It would be hard not to be entertained and inspired during a field day with Jeremiah Stent. Jeremiah was raised and spent most of his life on what is now TomKat Ranch. There he experienced the powerful shift from conventional cattle ranching to planned holistic grazing. At TomKat he was constantly evaluating his grazing decisions, working to understand the complexity of grazing planning to account for everything from soil to consensus building. Jeremiah is currently focusing his efforts, as co-owner and founder of Grounded Land & Livestock. His fabrication business, Pacific Grasslands, builds small to commercial scale farm implements, portable livestock water systems, pastured housing designs, and land and water infrastructure improvements and developments. His eye for the practical allows him to develop tools and systems that work for the producer, while simultaneously enhancing land and animal health. Under Jeremiah’s management ranches have seen increased production and return of native species, reduced erosion and weed species, higher soil and plant nutrition, healthier cattle, stronger relationships, and more resilient pastures.

Nate Chisholm
Nate Chisholm was worked on ranches around the world that we're doing innovative grazing management. Nate has spent time working in Texas at the Savory Center as well as Southern Africa working with some of the best ecological and grassland managers. Nate also worked with Chad Peterson in the Sandhills of Nebraska. Chad managed a thousand head of cattle at million pound to the acre densities, 350 head of buffalo in the oldest private herd in the state, and a thousand goats that were rented out for land management work. Following Nate's years with Chad, he moved to California, and managed thousands of chickens and several hundred cattle for Marin Sun Farm’s (http://www.marinsunfarms.com/). From there he worked on several other grass fed beef operations in Marin, Sonoma, and Humboldt counties. He has also consulted for numerous ranches in Marin and Sonoma Counties on how to better manage their cattle operations as well as their grasslands. He has spent the last four years working as a grassland manager for Sonoma Mountain Institute where he is able to meet his personal goals of repairing grasslands and savannahs in a very effective environment.

Byron Palmer
Byron graduated from the University of San Diego with a degree in Business. Byron has worked on farms and ranches from to Tennessee to California. Byron spent two years post grad in a sustainable land management and landscape design program at the Regenerative Design Institute where he found a passion for broad acre land management. Byron was the ranch manager of a large 1000 member CSA where he worked with cattle as a restoration tool everyday and got to see increases in landscape health and forage production. In addition he managed the ranch operations with thousands of broiler chickens, and hundreds of layers and pigs in an integrated agroecosystem. Byron also spent time as the director for Holistic Cattle Sourcing for Mindful Meats a local sustainable beef company (http://mindfulmeats.com) where he worked with the team to help create a sourcing protocol for their program. Byron has spent the last 4 years regeneratively managing land and cattle for the non profit Sonoma Mountain Institute where he has gotten to live his creative vision of broad acre grassland restoration. At Sonoma Mountain Institute Byron, Jeremiah and Nate have managed land and seen encouraging results with increases in plant biodiversity, native species and overall ecological health.